Thit Aaris-Høeg is the managing director of two private foundations and a one-to-one advisor for selected managers at an executive level.
She has a long managerial career behind her and knows the challenges when you sit at the end of the table. It is often cold at the top, and you are left alone with the big decisions, and it can be challenging to find open or competent sparring within the organisation. As a top manager in a significantly changing world, you know you need confidential sparring from someone who understands business and people and who looks after your interests 100%.
Thit Aaris-Høeg can be that confidential sparring partner.
In addition to many years of practical experience as a top manager, Thit Aaris-Høeg has several relevant educations within business development and psychology in her backpack, including a Global Executive MBA from Henley Business School, a four-year psychotherapeutic education from the Graabroedre Institute and an internationally certified executive coach education from Empowermind.
As a leader, you must understand yourself and others as individuals and in communities. At the same time, you must have a deep business understanding to make the right strategic choices.
Thit Aaris-Høeg can support you all the way around, both personally and business-wise.
In a world that changes faster and faster, where one crisis replaces another, everyone who works with management needs sparring.
The sincere and honest sparring is rarely available to a top manager, who daily has to navigate many different open and hidden agendas and at all times has to weigh his words and think strategically in his actions and communication.
Top managers, therefore, need a confidential space where they can speak freely and do not have to weigh every word. Sparring at eye level can be crucial when managers must get to the heart of a professional or personal matter. External professional sparring is a perfect tool when you need to form an overview of options and consequences without including the entire workplace in the intermediate calculations.
Counselling is effective if you have a personal- or business matter that you want to examine, plan or change.
The long-term development towards becoming the leader and the person you want to be. Sparring at eye level with someone who understands your situation.
Process with a focus on the specific loss, the great grief, the divorce or the dismissal. Concrete sparring to get through the situation in the best way.
Support, evaluation and development of executive boards, boards and management groups. Larger tasks are solved in collaboration with selected partners.
Thit Aaris-Høeg udtaler sig jævnligt til medierne og skriver også selv om temaer som forretningsudvikling, strategi og ledelse. Læs udvalgte indspark herunder.
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